I’d like to welcome everyone to my brand new website! What started as a Lockdown project turned into a bit of a stop start marathon, all of you who know me know that I like to go at something and conquer it, but as a musician who has a creative brain, that presents it’s problems when building a website. One, I only had limited knowledge of putting a WordPress site together previously, so this was a steep learning curve technically. Two, having a creative brain also presents the problem that you always have new design ideas as you’re going along, and of course you want to implement them, which becomes a mission! At this point I’d like to make a massive apology to all the graphic designers and web builders i’ve hired in the past because I must have given you a real hard time pushing my ideas to the limit lol.
Anyway, here goes – for some time, I had wanted to put together a website that really represents me, has the info you need quickly, tracks, mixtapes, videos, bio, and everything else RD at your fingertips, is easily navigated on any device, looks the part, and is a true HQ for everything i’m doing. I will gradually increase content and links, and of course will keep you updated with the latest news and new releases etc, so please do keep checking in.
Special thanks goes to Mike McGuinness (aka Lempo) for the wonderful artwork – I couldn’t do it without you bro! And also to the very talented Andrew Aitch, one of Manchester’s finest photographers, who took most of the shots i’ve used – check Andrew’s IG page, he is dope.
So, without further a do, everybody please get stuck in, subscribe, comment, tell me if you find a bug (this is version 1.0), share, visit, buy some merch (subscribers get a link for 10% off first purchase!), follow my socials, track my Bandsintown for gig and livestream dates, get involved! Big Love – RD